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Showing results 1201 to 1220 of 2202 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-07-09SATISFACTION OF ENTREPRENEURS TOWARD SERVICE QUALITY OF DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION, MINISTRY OF INDUSTRYYutthakarn Pramuansin; Chuenjit Changchenkit; ยุทธการ ประมวลศิลป์; ชื่นจิตต์ แจ้งเจนกิจ
2020-07-09Satisfaction of Government Teachers and Educational Personnel with School Environmental Management in Debsirinromklao School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2sairat, Patchara; Thongprong, Amnuay; พชร สายรัตน์; อำนวย ทองโปร่ง
2020-07-09The Satisfaction of Graduate Users in Human Resource Management Program, Faculty of Management Science, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat UniversityThongsukmak, Nattakan; Kraisa, Chanakan; Panyindee, Janjirapon; นัฐกานต์ ทองสุขมาก; ชนากานต์ไกรสา; จันจิราภรณ์ ปานยินดี
2020-07-09The Satisfaction of Parents to the Administration in Activities of the Students of Nawaminthrachinuthit Suankularbwittayalai Samutprakarn School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6Srichaiwan, Kanyapatch; Thongprong, Amnuay; กัญญาพัชญ์ ศรีไชยวาน; อำนวย ทองโปร่ง
2023-07-14Satisfaction of Service Recipients Towards The Service of Out Patient Department (OPD) Omnoi International Vichaivej Hospital Samutsakhon ProvinceKittisoontorn, Banpot; Jansomboon, Manoon
2020-07-09The Satisfaction of Teacher in Using Information and Communication Technology in School of the Minburi District Office, Bangkok Metropolis.Sumpaokaew, Apichart; Thongprong, Amnuay; อภิชาติ สำเภาแก้ว; อำนวย ทองโปร่ง
2020-07-09The Satisfaction of Teachers on Administrator’s Academic Management of Cluster 50, under office Klongsamwa district, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.Samakul, Nantanaporn; Silanookit, Chonmanee; นันทนาพร สมากุล; ชนมณี ศิลานุกิจ
2020-07-09Satisfaction of Teachers to Implementation of Educational Information Technology in Large Primary Schools, Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1Maitip, Arunee; Thongprong, BnEǰAmnuay; อรุณี ไหมทิพย์; อำนวย ทองโปร่ง
2020-07-09Satisfaction of Teachers to Implementation of Educational Information Technology in Large Primary Schools, Nonthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1Maitip, Arunee; Thongprong, Amnuay; อรุณี ไหมทิพย์; อำนวย ทองโปร่ง
2020-07-09The satisfaction of teachers to the administration of school administrators in Thanyaburi District under the Pathum Thani Educational Service Area Office2.Tharapharb, Kittisak; Kanjanapan, Rattana; กิตติศักดิ์ ธระปราบ; รัตนา กาญจนพันธุ์
2020-07-09The Satisfaction of Teachers towards the Academic Administration Of School Under Bangkok BangnaDistrict Office ,Bangkokphuenchompoo, Yupin; Thongprong, Amnuay; ยุพิน พื้นชมกู; อำนวย ทองโปร่ง
2020-07-09The Satisfaction of Teachers with an Environment That is Conducive to Learning in Secondary School Bangkapi District Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2, Bangkok.Sirisawat, Sineenad; Karnjanapan, Ratana; สินีนาฎ ศิริสวัสดิ์; รัตนา กาญจนพันธุ์
2020-07-09The satisfaction of teachers with the school management of the school administrators. Under the Suan Luang District, Bangkok MetropolisParnpinid, Anattaporn; Silanukit, Chonmanee; อนัฐพร พานพินิจ; ชนมณี ศิลานุกิจ
2021-07-08Satisfaction of the Establishments for the English Major Student Trainees, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Songkhla Rajabhat UniversityAgsornpim, Patcharawadee
2022-07-08Satisfaction towards Learning English through Google Classroom of Students at Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat UniversityPaisarnsupnimit, Pornpen; Nasanee, Kusuma
2020-07-09Satisfaction with the marketing mix of mobile banking users in Nakhon Pathom ProvinceSorsaart, Benjarat; Chantee, Salinee; Numwong, Inthira; Tanyong, Pongsan; เบญจรัตน์ สอสะอาด; สาลิณี จันที; พงษ์สันติ์ ตันหยง; พัชรกันต์ นิมิตรศดิกุล
2022-07-08Satisfactions of the students towards the library service at Bangplama “Soongsumarnpadungwit” School, Bangplama District, Suphanburi ProvinceIamjaidee, Punyawee; Phonsongkroh, Nipa
2021-07-08The Scenario of Human Resource Management in Christian Department of Schools under the Foundation of the Church of Christ in ThailandSutthisan, Pariyapan; Amatariyakul, Wantana; Choeybal, Panayuth
2020-07-09The School Administration Base on the Good Governance of the Teacher’s Opinion in Bhenjasiri School Network Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 BangkokRangkaidee, Rattaya; Lapcharoen, Supawadee; รัตยา ร่างกายดี; สุภาวดี ลาภเจริญ
2020-07-09The School Management Skills in the 21st Century of Private Schools in BuriramPhantharukpong, Sununtha; Vajarintarangoon, Kovit; Sripen, Poldech; สุนันทา พันธรักษ์พงษ์; โกวิท วัชรินทรางกูร; ศรีเพ็ญ พลเดช