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Results 1261-1270 of 2218 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07-08The Study of Buildup Factor in the Silicate Glass System Doped with Bismuth Oxide, Barium Oxide and Lead Oxide in Energy Range from 0.015 to 15 MeV using the Phy-X ProgramYonphan, Supakit; Kaewkhao, Jakrapong; Limkitjaroenporn, Pruittipol
2021-07-08The Gamma-Ray Interaction Study of Gallium Gadolinium Borate Glass in Energy Range from 0.015 to 15 MeV using the Phy-X ProgramYonphan, Supakit; Limkitjaroenporn, Pruittipol; Kaewkhao, Jakrapong
2021-07-08The Using Infographic to Development of Learning Achievement and Learning Retention for Mass, Force and Law of Motion Lesson in Physics of Grade 10 Students at Sriwichaiwithaya SchoolKhumthong, Adisa; Seangmas, Nichanan; Peesar, Usara; Siengsanoh, Kittipong; Siengsanoh, Mattanee
2021-07-08Use of an interactive simulation subject Reflection and Refraction of students Grade 11, Srivichaiwittaya SchoolPinnet, Natthaphat; Benpat, Jutarat; Srisamran, Chutima; Tuscharoen, Suparat; Siengsanoh, Kittipong; Siengsanoh, Mattanee
2021-07-08Mass stopping power analysis of sodium bismuth borate glass system using the SRIM program in energy range from 0.01 - 10 MeVBurisoot, Phet; Limkitjaroenporn, Pruittipol; Siengsanoh, Kittipong; Kaewkhao, Jakrapong
2021-07-08Development on Physical Strength for AirmanCharoenkit, Nitas; Booranasri, Kongkiat
2021-07-08Proton Shielding Properties Investigation of Bismuth Borosilicate GlassCheewasukhanont, Wasu; Chaiphaksa, Wuttichai; Limkitjaroenporn, Pruittipol
2021-07-08Proton Shielding Properties Investigation of Bismuth Borosilicate GlassCheewasukhanont, Wasu; Chaiphaksa, Wuttichai; Limkitjaroenporn, Pruittipol
2021-07-08Comparison of the Achievements of Physics subject is waves Superposition Principle the wave of Mathayomsuksa 5 studentsPhorangnok, Chalermchai; Kornpresert, Thitima; Nokthong, Jongkhonnee; Tuscharoen, Suparat; Siengsanoh, Kittipong; Siengsanoh, Mattanee
2021-07-08Synthesis and Properties of Zinc Bismuth Barium Boro – Tellurite Glasses Doped with Samarium OxideYasaka, Patarawagee; Srisawat, Watchareeya; Kaewrakmuk, Nipaporn; Luekit, Pavarisa; Supanroth, Tanapohn