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Results 1411-1420 of 2218 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07-08Chococate pie and bridge: Women experience and colored women identity in “The Help” novelSomboonwong, Khobkun
2021-07-08Guidelines to Solve Unwanted Pregnanciesprasugtsangchan, Pongborworn; Chueadee, Wanchanok; Suphabut, Witthaya; Trachoo, Sakulnittra; Suejaem, Hathairat; Thongnum, Yothin; Sangthong, Jantira
2021-07-08in Sina lingua Latina extrema: A Cultural Writing of Gravestones between Latin and Chinese on the Ming Dynasty Missionary GravestonesWerojruedee, Virat
2021-07-08Readiness and Opinion to Online Learning Under Situations Coronavirus 2019 of Students in Computer Department, Chiang Mai Rajabhat UniversitySuwanakul, Panuwat; Patcharathanaroj, Sasinipa; Keawfoongrungsi, Piroon; Tuntragul, Sarung; Pantho, Oranuch
2021-07-08"Thank you for giving me a new life": The Reconstruction of Self through "Geobiography" and Sense of Place in A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021)Painark, Wisarut
2021-07-08Reading behavior of students at The Demonstration School of Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat UniversityPoomsom, Nittaya; Phonsongkroh, Nipa
2021-07-08Finding suitable paths to delivery molasses cargoes in Thailand : a case studySinghasarn, Jiralak; Amchang, Chompoonut
2021-07-08Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Proficient and Less Proficient Thai EFL Learners: Frequency and UsefulnessPookcharoen, Pookcharoen
2021-07-08Feasibility of Electric Bus Implementation for travelling in smart city solutionsKingsuwanvong, Trithased; Amchang, Chompoonut
2021-07-08Solutions to the Problem of Cyber BullyAmornsiriphong, Walailuck; Phuchun, Gittisak; Tapang, Phanida; Phumsawad, Surassa; Tubyang, Mingkwan; Teachasupakornkul, Apissada; Sukkaphan, Phansukarn; Athirattanapat, Pichamon