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dc.contributor.authorKhumpai, Natesuda-
dc.contributor.authorPratumsuwan, Kesinee-
dc.contributor.authorPhansiri, Phiraphath-
dc.contributor.authorKessuwong, Rudeeporn-
dc.description.abstractThis article takes the approach of transaibing the success lesson in the prototype area. This is a course of the Thai Health Promotion Fund (Thai Health Promotion Foundation), collected by in-depth interviews. And use the form t to collect data Aims to present t the deve the development of food safety management syptems and medhanisms in Watkhokprachedi (Ekpaopitthaya) School and the results of the developme ent of mechanisms The success issue was 70% of the children who were tall and well-proportioned, from the original 30 children with malnutrition (obese, short, skinny). The target was 70%6 of these children to have better nutrition. As a result of the project's implementation, it was found that these 30 children had a better nutritional status, 21 people, representing 70 percent of the target. Every day cooking in schodl lunch comes from a local safe food production source from O kg to an average of 500 kg / month. Considering the implemen entation throughout the project, it can be conduded that the development of food safety management systems and mechanisms at Watkhokprachedi (Ekpaopitthaya) School was formed from the participation of a working sroup consisting of teachers, students, parents, agricultural network, cook, hospital, school board In every process Since setting a common soal Assignment Event design Continuous driving and monitoring The main mechanism is the schodl teadhers who coordinate, integrate, plan, overview and manage information from the previously never involved, participatory and systematic management. As a result, there are important t outcomes: 1) forming a stron ng working group There is a clear action plan and agreement. 2) A mechanism to drive food safety management in schools. Make the ingredients for daly lundh in the school come from safe food production sourc ces in the area, 3) the moven ement and monitoring of results continuously, and 4) the high-level, well-proportioned d students inceased by 70% and received all 3 safety food. Meal increased 67%, which can be summarized into 3 aspects: the mechanism Environmental and health aspectsen_US
dc.publisherThe 13th NPRU National Academic Conference Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat Universityen_US
dc.subjectMechanical developmenten_US
dc.subjectfood safetyen_US
dc.titleDevelopment of food safety systems and mechanisms mechanism in Watkhokprachedi (Ekpaopitthaya)School Nakornchaisri District Nakhon Pathom Provinceen_US
dc.title.alternativeการพัฒนาระบบและกลไกการจัดการอาหารปลอดภัยในโรงเรียนวัดโคกพระเจดีย์ (เอกเผ่าพิทยา) อำเภอนครชัยศรี จังหวัดนครปฐมen_US
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the 13th NPRU National Academic Conference

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