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Results 1351-1360 of 2218 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07-08Participatory health development in Pamelo’s Agriculturist : A Case Study in Nakhonchaisri and Sampran Districts, Nakhonpathom ProvinceJumnian, Malinee; Tapasee, Wilai; Sanyod, Vartinee; Sooksataphonlarte, Prasinee
2021-07-08Relationship between GPA and Community Health Nursing Competencies in the 21th century of 4th Year Nursing Student : Bangkokthonburi UniversityLahuanong, Budsayakorn; nakbunjong, Panrawee; Kengkoom, Wiwan
2021-07-08Factors associated with depression among students in a private universityKouttaphong, Apissaraporn; Photiwat, Jirutchaya; Tongvichean, Sulee; Panlap, Suchart
2021-07-08Perception and Preventive behaviors on the coronavirus disease-2019(COVID-19) among village health volunteersPontree, Jakkrit; Kunthakhu, Saengduan
2021-07-08Factors Associated with Stress of Nursing Students : Private university in Bangkokyotpnaya, Atchara; muenphan, Kanokwan; Sanveingchan, Suvimon
2021-07-08Perception of risk , Severity of the disease On prevention behavior of COVID- 19 of higher education students in Private University in Bangkokyothaphakdee, Onanong; chareesaen, Duangruethai; chaonarin, Paradee
2021-07-08The Opinions of Nursing Student on Simulation-based LearningPhengpanich, Wilawan; Wattakiecharoen, Jeuajan
2021-07-08Happiness of students enrolling Bachelor's degree programs, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat UniversityTongsawang, Kamonrut; Kangkarn, Thanawit
2021-07-08Effects of Nurses' Competency Development to Care for Patient with Ventilator, Nakhon Pathom HospitalMahasuk, Supreda; Chowsilpa, Nongnutch
2021-07-08Perceived Risks, Perceived Barriers and Preventive Behaviors on The Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) among Pregnant Women at Southern Border provincesKuta, Ni-areenee; Wahab, Kanjana; Yusof, Nurwahida; Samae, Ruwaida; Aba, Sapreene