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Results 1331-1340 of 2218 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07-08The Development of Online Learning Lessons on Efficient Use of The Internet with MIAP Learning Process for Grade 6 StudentsSuwanniyom, Metinee; Jaidee, Wiman
2021-07-08The Development of Online Computer Assisted Instruction together with 5Es Instructional Model in Computational Science Subjects for Grade 8 StudentsTantisupree, Thananya; Jaidee, Wiman
2021-07-08The Development of Computer-assisted instruction on Mathematics course About the Pythagorean Theorem of students Grade 2 at U-Thong by using STAD cooperative learningOnchaip, Pongrapee; Srichailard, Panuwat
2021-07-08The Development of e-Learning on Computer and Data Processing with Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Technique for Grade 7 Students of Sripachan Methipramuk SchoolPhanrudee, Jaruwan; Jittavisuttikul, Phongdanai
2021-07-08The Development of e-Learning on Using Microsoft Word by Project-based Learning for Mathayomsuksa 5 Students of Sripachan Methipramuk SchoolChuewong, Pornchai; Jittavisuttikul, Phongdanai
2021-07-08The Development of Online Computer Assisted Instruction in Technology Subjects (Computing Science) on Using Microsoft Excel 2010 for Demonstration TeachingLamloet, Thanat; Jaidee, Manutnit
2021-07-08The Development of CAI on Using Adobe Flash CS6 with Project-based Learning for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students of Princess Sirindhorn CollegeJansuk, Konlawhat; Jittavisuttikul, Phongdanai
2021-07-08The Development of Online Multimedia Lesson about an Introduction to Using Microsoft Word 2010 for TGT collaborative learning techniquePansang, Siriluk; Jaidee, Manutnit
2021-07-08The Development of CAI on Computing Science with Think-Pair Share Learning Technique for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students of Uthongsuksalai SchoolMakaruean, Narongrit; Jittavisuttikul, Phongdanai
2021-07-08The Development of CAI on Technological Change with Self-directed Learning Technique for Mathayomsuksa 2 Students of Prachamongkol SchoolArsa, Lomfa; Jittavisuttikul, Phongdanai